The Harman
Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) is the central point of contact for external security researchers, partners, and customers to report cybersecurity information related to products developed by Harman and its brands.
Why should you report a vulnerability?
Reporting vulnerabilities has many benefits to Harman and to our clients, for instance, it helps us to inform the affected customers, to release the fixes faster, and to keep making more secure products and services. If you believe you have identified a potential security issue in our products, please get in touch. We believe in responsible disclosure and strongly encourage you to collaborate with us to solve the problems and continuously improve security in all our products.
To establish a successful Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure process, Harman PSIRT collaborates with

Harman follows the Carnegie Melon Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure Process:
“Security vulnerabilities remain a problem for vendors and deployers of software-based systems alike. Vendors play a key role by providing fixes for vulnerabilities, but they have no monopoly on the ability to discover vulnerabilities in their products and services. Knowledge of those vulnerabilities can increase adversarial advantage if deployers are left without recourse to remediate the risks they pose.
Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure (CVD) is the process of gathering information from vulnerability finders, coordinating the sharing of that information between relevant stakeholders, and disclosing the existence of software vulnerabilities and their mitigations to various stakeholders including the public."
Detailed information available on the following
Click on the "Report a Vulnerability" button below to submit a new vulnerability report to Harman PISRT team
Report a Vulnerability Here