Michael Mauser - President and Chief Executive Officer

Michael Mauser

President and Chief Executive Officer

​Michael Mauser is President and Chief Executive Officer of HARMAN, and regional head of HARMAN Europe. HARMAN is a wholl​​y-owned subsidiary of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.

Pre​​​viously, Michael served as Chief Operating Officer, responsible for overseeing the daily business operations of HARMAN's connected car, lifestyle audio and professional solutions divisions, as well as strategy, manufacturing, sales, procurement and operations. Working closely with the Senior Leadership Committee (SLC), he played an integral role in the development of business strategies that ensure alignment with HARMAN's short- and long-term objectives./div>

Since joining HAR​​MAN in 1997, Michael has held several senior management positions of increasing responsibility, including co-president of HARMAN's Automotive division, co-president of HARMAN's Infotainment division, and president of HARMAN's Lifestyle division. Michael was also Senior Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer of HARMAN's Automotive division until 2010.

Prior to joining H​​ARMAN, Michael spent seven years with Daimler-Benz Aerospace Inc. – now Airbus Group SE – where he worked in various controlling and finance positions.

Michael holds an indu​​strial MBA from the University of Stuttgart in Germany.​​

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