Meet Nilupika | Having Contact with STEM Fields as a Young Woman

At HARMAN, we know the work to foster inclusion is never done. Meet Nilupika, leading advancements in the automotive division, sharing her inspiring career story.
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​​​The Inspiration Behind Her Growing Engineering Career

Nilupika credits much of her interest in engineering to her brother. "Growing up, I always looked up to my brother, who was pursuing a career in engineering. His dedication and enthusiasm sparked my curiosity," recalls Nilupika. As she delved deeper into engineering, she was captivated by the endless possibilities technology offers to solve real-world problems. This passion for problem-solving and never shying away from a challenge has driven her career forward, as has support from her network.

“Finding mentors, both male and female, who have navigated similar career paths has been very helpful," Nilupika shares. “Networking also helps me stay updated with industry trends, opens opportunities for collaboration, and provides support from peers and mentors." 

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Nurturing Curiosity and Belief in Possibilities

Women bring unique perspectives and insights to STEM fields. In voice recognition technology, for example, diverse representation can lead to more inclusive and accurate systems that recognize a wider range of voices, accents, and languages. This improves usability and accessibility for a broader demographic.

“The representation of engineers like me in STEM fields not only enhances innovation, but also ensures that technological advancements benefit a diverse global population. It underscores the importance of inclusive development practices that prioritize accuracy, fairness, and usability for all users."

Nilupika's story is a testament to breaking stereotypes and embracing limitless possibilities. Curiosity is the driving force behind both her professional and personal life. Whether solving complex engineering problems or nurturing her daughter's inquisitiveness, Nilupika believes that a curious mind knows no bounds: To my daughter, I'm not a working mom. I'm just 'mom.' Just like in the office, I'm not a 'female engineer.' I am simply 'Engineer.'​​​


Nilupika's journey is an inspiring example for young women interested in STEAM fields, demonstrating that there are no limits to what one can achieve with curiosity and determination. Ready to join Nilupika and our amazing team? Dive into our career opportunities here and be part of an inclusive, tech-savvy community at HARMAN! ​​